Families are moving! And California’s red hot real estate market has seen homes for sale in St Helena CA get top dollar, and often, competing offers. For almost all adults, moving homes or apartments is a necessary and practical event that, in many cases, means improving their lifestyle in some way, shape, or form. Grown-ups understand the need to change it up and know that we’ll be better off for it.
But when young children – especially toddlers – are in the picture, moving can take on a very different appearance. A young child may not understand why they’re leaving a place they’re so familiar with and probably loves a lot. But fear not! Children are more resilient than they get credit for and can adapt easily to new environments. The key is to prepare them for the changes that lie ahead so they enter their new home and new phase in their lives with confidence and excitement. Check out these tips to make your move as easy on the kids as it is on you:
Don’t Procrastinate In Breaking the News
Be sure to talk to your children about the upcoming move before you start packing. Keep the dialogue simple so they can fully understand what’s happening, but also positive and upbeat. Let them know that they can always come to you with questions or if they’re feeling sad about it. A little extra warmth and affection will also go a long way.
Mark the Date
Packing up and moving homes is not an overnight process. Apart from getting all of your belongings ready, you have a life that needs living. Mark your moving date on a calendar that’s visible for you and your children. This will help your kids keep an eye on the amount of time left, and start packing and preparing accordingly.
Introduce Them to Your Napa Real Estate Agents
The process of the first move can be very confusing for toddlers and children, including the period in which you’re selling your home. From strangers looking around during open houses to meetings with real estate agents in Napa CA, it can elevate the level of uncertainty and nervousness a toddler feels. Introducing them to your Napa real estate agents will allow them to feel more comfortable and chipper as can be.
Visit Your New Home
One of the best ways to help your children get comfortable with the idea of moving is to visit your soon-to-be home with them. By showing them around the house and where they’ll be sleeping, they can visualize all the fun they’ll have and start to build an emotional connection. If you’re moving out of town or out of state, a virtual tour can also get the job done.
Are you interested in browsing homes for sale in St Helena CA? Connie and Jamie are two of the most experienced and professional real estate agents in Napa CA. Contact them today for a free consultation and home evaluation!